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欧盟发布标签新法规(EU) No 2020/740

日期:2020-07-29    来源:综合部

2020年6月5日,欧盟正式发布标签法新法规(EU) No 2020/740,将于发布20天后生效,并将于2021年5月1日正式取代(EC) No 1222/2009。

The new regulation (EU) No 2020/740 was published on June 5, 2020, which will enter into force 20 days after its publication and will replace (EC) No 1222/2009 on May 1, 2021.


Reclassification of Fuel efficiency class and Wet grip class
燃油效率等级划分 / Fuel efficiency class

湿地抓地力等级划分 / Wet grip class

二、更改噪声等级的标识 / Marking of External rolling noise class changes

三、新增雪地和冰地性能要求和标识 / New snow grip and ice grip performance requirements and markings added

最小雪地抓地力系数 / Minimum snow grip index


Minimum ice grip index

暂无限值要求 / No requirements for now.

测试方法 :“ISO/CD 19447 Passenger car tyres - Method for measuring ice grip performance - Loaded new tyres” 正在制定.


Test method :“ISO/CD 19447 Passenger car tyres - Method for measuring ice grip performance - Loaded new tyres” is under development.

四、新增轮胎二维码的相关要求 / Added requirements for tyre QR codes

在不影响成员国的市场监督义务或供应商检查产品符合性的义务的情况下, 供应商应在产品数据库中以电子方式提供必要的产品合规信息, 并在轮胎标签上印刷二维码,可通过二维码直接访问产品数据库的公共部分.


Without prejudice to the market surveillance obligations of Member States or to the obligation of suppliers to check product conformity, suppliers should make the requisite product compliance information electronically available in the product database. Easy direct access to the public part of the product database should be facilitated by user‐oriented tools that are included on the printed tyre label, such as a dynamic quick response code (QR code).

五、更改标签样式 / Changing the Label Designation


六、新增产品信息表及产品数据库的要求 / Added requirements for product information sheet and product database

产品信息表由供应商提供, 应包括在产品手册或随轮胎提供的其他文献中,内容应包含:

The information in the product information sheet of tyres shall be included in the product brochure or other literature provided with the tyre and shall include the following:

自2021年5月1日起,供应商应在产品投放市场之前, 将下面的信息输入产品数据库.

From 1 May 2021, suppliers shall enter the information in the table below into the product database before placing on the market a tyre produced after that date


For tyres that are produced between 25 June 2020 and 30 April 2021, the supplier shall enter the information in the table below into the product database by 30 November 2021.

另外,翻新胎也纳入了标签法的适用范围. 如果有合适的测试方法,欧盟委员会会在2022年6月26日之前, 在本法规的附件中引入关于翻新轮胎的新要求.

Re-treaded tyres are also included in the scope of this regulation. The European Commission will introduce new requirements for re-treaded tyres in the Annexes to this regulation by 26 June 2022, provided that a suitable test method is available.


一旦欧洲或者ISO有了可靠的轮胎磨损和里程的测试方法, 欧盟委员会会将轮胎磨损和里程的参数或信息要求纳入其中.

The Commission is also empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to include parameters or information requirements for tyre abrasion and mileage, as soon as reliable, accurate and reproducible methods to test and measure tyre abrasion and mileage are available for use by European or international standardisation organisations and provided that the following conditions are met.